Brand, thing, behavior, method, advice, mantra, etc.

I swear by Blackwing pencils.

Also, the ‘two minute rule’, which has really improved my life: “if it takes two minutes or less to do, just do it now; if it takes longer, schedule it.” I’ve got untreated attention issues and it’s very easy for me to notice something needing done, and overlook or procrastinate it because it seems inconvenient in the moment. Having a totally painless rule that forces me to acknowledge that thing I should pick up, that trash bag I should change, etc, or, to at least put on my calendar anything I mustn’t forget in the long run has been great for me.

  • @[email protected]
    2 years ago

    No offense, brother, but this is a great example of my swear-by.

    Don’t write a “wall of text.” Even if a reader is interested, it’s hard to read the whole thing.

    Separate your wall into smaller sections, use bullet points (esp at work) if it helps.

    Use small sentences. Forget what they told you about keeping similar ideas in one paragraph. You’re not Salinger, and no one is expecting you to be.

    This is a digital age, and our job as not-salinger is to convey information.

    • NirodhaAvidya
      22 years ago
      • No offense taken

      • These are salient points

      • I edited my post

      • I hope it’s easier to digest now

      • Thank you for the constructive criticism