A Muslim cleric has been arrested on charges of blasphemy and hate speech in Indonesia after his decision to allow women to preach and pray beside men sparked a backlash in the world’s largest Muslim-majority nation.

  • @SulaymanF
    -32 years ago

    FYI women are the ones asking for a woman-only imam.

    • Poplar?
      2 years ago

      That is deceptive because the origin of the ruling is written by male jurists (living with the ideas of gender from their time, a millenia ago).

      It is opposed even when muslim men and women choose to have women lead, so the choice only matters when it conforms to the already held view.

    • @[email protected]
      12 years ago

      Seems strange (understatement) to block them entirely from leading mixed gender groups. Why not give them the option to lead mixed groups if they want, or if they want a women-only group they can lead that as well?

      To be clear, i’m against the sexism in the bible and any other religion as well

      • @SulaymanF
        12 years ago

        You may want to ask the islam sublemmy for a longer explanation, but the idea is that people should focus on their prayer and not get distracted staring at the opposite gender. That’s why Muslim men and women form two groups when they pray; women don’t want men ogling as they bend over etc. You see the same in conservative and orthodox synagogues; men and women sit on different sides. It’s a practical consideration.

        • @[email protected]
          22 years ago

          Where do I find the religious side of lemmy? I always find people talking about religious culture super interesting, even though I’m far from religious.

          • @SulaymanF
            2 years ago

            A lot of subreddits are still copying over to Lemmy although they’re not as big as the originals yet. For example /r/islam has 100k members but [email protected] is very small so far.

          • @SulaymanF
            22 years ago

            Someone has to be responsible, but he is standing in front leading the prayer with his back to the congregation.

              • @SulaymanF
                2 years ago

                And have the men watch her bend way over in rukoo during Salaat? No.

                • @[email protected]
                  42 years ago

                  and having the women and/or gay men and/or other people attracted to men watching men bend way over in rukoo during Salaat isn’t an issue?

                  • @SulaymanF
                    22 years ago

                    You could raise an argument about anything, but this is about practicality since you still need to pray and minimizing as much distraction as you can.

                • Poplar?
                  2 years ago

                  You must be unfamiliar with the clothing women usually wear when praying. Its large, draping and for a pervert there is nothing to see.

                  If the concern really was men looking, Muhammad could have easily mandated women wear clothing that is appropriate for going for the sujood and rukhu instead of completely banning women becoming Imams for or being in mixed gender prayer.

                  Another simple solution is to have a screen upto the female imam’s hips for when she bows down and prostrates, if we insist on the jamaah not having mixed gender.

                  • @SulaymanF
                    12 years ago

                    Ah, another one of those people who talks down to me about my own religion.

                    Go ahead and show me this mythical clothing you imagined up that is appropriate for sujood and rukoo and isn’t expensive. Muslims can pray anywhere and everywhere and now you’re talking about carrying around some kind of screen? Come on.

        • @SheeEttin
          02 years ago

          If you can’t handle being around the opposite gender, that’s a you problem.

          • @SulaymanF
            02 years ago

            Nobody is claiming that but thanks for the strawman.