• @nxfsi
    -91 year ago

    Disingenuous post. Actor not being responsible ≠ blindly trust the guy in charge to not make any mistake ever and not even checking your own weapon. This is common fucking sense and you would think they learned that after Brandon Lee.

    • @Eldritch
      141 year ago

      What happened to Brandon Lee was wildly different. Talk about disingenuous using it as a comparison.

      • @nxfsi
        -91 year ago

        How are they “wildly different”? Both incidents are due to cut corners, the armorers not doing their jobs and the actors being complacent and blindly trusting the person in charge. Both guns could have been found as dangerous by a basic safety check. The squib in “Brandon’s gun” would have been immediately apparent on a basic show clear when there is no daylight coming out of the barrel, this would be the very first thing you are taught on gun handling before you are even allowed to even pull the trigger. In the end both incidents had people die in preventable ways due to negligence and complacency, which is the only thing that matters.

        Result is that the actor would have done nothing “wrong” and still have killed someone, which is definitely not something anyone would want to do, and would have been completely preventable if they had exercised just a bit of common sense and checked their own gun even once.

    • @CapraObscura
      81 year ago

      “Common sense” does not exist. You have been taught literally everything you know.

      Your comment is a fine example of every internet asshole with a gun thinking they know everything about all situations in which a gun could conceivably be used.

      Understand something. On a movie set, you are not on a firing range. First of all, there shouldn’t even be a single round of live ammunition on the set. In the rare circumstances where it is required, the armorer should be the only one handling the loaded weapon until moments before the actor is firing it. This is the case even with blank firing weapons. You are not surrounded by people that ostensibly have an interest in firearms, or even want to handle firearms.

      The armorer is responsible for loading the firearm and readying it to fire. The actor’s SOLE responsibility is to point it and shoot. No, they should not in any way be responsible for ensuring the safe or not-safe status of the firearm. THEY SHOULD ASSUME IT IS SAFE TO USE IN THE WAY THEY ARE BEING DIRECTED TO USE IT BECAUSE IT IS THE ARMORER’S JOB TO ENSURE IT IS SAFE.

      Is everyone on set responsible for making sure that craft services is cooking the chicken to the proper internal temperature, or storing the lettuce in a refrigerator? No. Fuck no.

      Welcome to the world of professionals, where it’s assumed you know what the fuck you’re doing.

      And seriously, drop this fucking “nepo baby” horseshit unless you’re going to start applying it to LITERALLY EVERYONE THAT GETS A JOB IN THE SAME INDUSTRY AS THEIR PARENTS.

      But you don’t give a shit when Cleetus McFuckbag Jr takes over dad’s lawn care business and fucks it up, do you?

    • @[email protected]
      -121 year ago

      Agreed. I am all for accountability of the assigned individual but you hold an item that can literally hurt or kill someone you treat it with respect.

      Check clearing a weapon should be taught to everyone. The man can be an instructor but his word isn’t law. Every instructor knows the moment you hold a weapon you observe decorum that you treatg it as loaded.

      Now is Alec Baldwin innocent, maybe. But we have to use this experience to learn and change things in the industry aka, have actors who are handing weapons learn to check clear them.

      • SatansMaggotyCumFart
        151 year ago

        Isn’t the job of an armorer is to ensure the gun is safe because most actors aren’t firearm experts?

        • @[email protected]
          -71 year ago

          Any novice gets taught at the range the first thing you do when holding a gun is to treat it like it’s loaded and check clear yourself. You don’t have to be an expert for that. It’s firearm 101. ANYONE that holds a firearm should be taught that.

          I am not blaming Baldwin if you read properly. I am saying there has to be more procedures for these things.

        • @nxfsi
          -81 year ago

          You don’t need to be an expert, just the basics in safe use of dangerous items that you are currently using.

          If you kill someone by accident because the armorer missed something obvious, you certainly aren’t responsible in any way but you still killed someone in a way that is easily preventable. Always check stuff yourself.

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            81 year ago

            Wait, so you’re saying a novice should double check after the armorer clears it?

            Should the armorer clear it again after the novice checks it just to make sure they haven’t changed anything?

            Then I guess the novice should check it again to make sure it’s safe after the expert double checks it, right?

            • @[email protected]
              -101 year ago

              You are being obtuse on purpose.

              You check clear when you get handed a weapon. That’s it.

              Once you are done and hand it back, they do the same. You personally have to be sure the weapon in your hand is cleared. Personally.

              • @CapraObscura
                51 year ago

                You know nothing about how firearms safety is handled on movie sets. You’re acting like your actions at the range are the same.

                They are absolutely not.

                First and foremost, no actor is EVER responsible for the safety of a firearm. End of story. That is the armorer’s job, and nobody else’s. No actor should ever be handed a firearm in any condition other than safe for the situation. If they’re standing around with a gun on their hip in a far-off shot, the firearm is a resin or foam replica. Always. If they’re handling a firearm up close and not firing it, it will be a non-firing replica. Always. If they are firing it the armorer will load the firearm, rack/cock it, and place it directly into the actor’s hands. The scene will be shot. The armorer then immediately takes the firearms away from all actors involved.

                At no point should the actor EVER be responsible for firearms safety. That is not their job. It is the armorer’s job to ensure that the actor cannot, either willfully or through ignorance, harm anyone else. These industry standards have been developed and utilized over a period of decades.

                In all of the movies that use firearms, how many deaths or injuries have you heard of?

                • @[email protected]
                  1 year ago

                  The comments and votes here baffle me.

                  One step. That’s it.

                  One step by actors being paid presumably millions. That’s all they need to do. All the steps you mentioned above can and should stay. But an actor can’t take 5 mins out of their oh so busy lives to learn to check clear a weapon? How is more safety a problem? What is wrong with people who disagree on that?

                  Industry standards change throughout. Just because something worked before doesn’t mean it always will. Exhibit A is the man who died. Or is his life a statistical anamoly and within acceptable error? Do we wait for more people to die then?

                  Does an actor blindly get behind a car and drive not caring if he runs anyone over because it’s the set director’s job to clear the path? Is he absolve of all blame here?

                  • SatansMaggotyCumFart
                    51 year ago

                    Because you are being obtuse on purpose.

                    Do you check the torque on every nut and bolt on your vehicle after you get it back from the mechanic?

              • SatansMaggotyCumFart
                41 year ago

                If there are dummies in it, the typical check is that you take the bullet and shake it because ball bearings are put in them that rattle.

                Once the actor re-loads it, they (and their insurance company) becomes liable. They probably aren’t an expert.

                Maybe things aren’t as black and white as you think they are, and maybe actors double checking the experts would lead to more incidents instead of less.