My personal favourite is Beautiful/Anonymous. Tell me yours.

  • @[email protected]
    2 years ago

    I am not sure how it doesn’t seem like these have been listed yet, maybe they are too obvious. But here is my list:

    -Radiolab (Amazingly well told stories about every topic)

    -Reply All (Hilarious dudes talking about internet trends and memes mostly)

    -More Perfect (Essentially RadioLab but specifically focused on interesting supreme court history)

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOP
      22 years ago

      Reply All has wrapped up sadly. I like Radiolab, but sometimes it feels like “doot dootily doo, SCIENCE”.

      • @glimse
        12 years ago

        The end of Radiolab was so rough. They got pushed into doing some more serious reporting and it started to lose its charm…and then the drama that finally shut it down was a bummer.

        I wish Alex Goldman would start a new show with a similar format. I liked PJ as a host but Alex carried it for me.

        • @BonesOfTheMoonOP
          12 years ago

          Did you listen to PJ’s new podcast yet? I’m liking it. I think it has potential because he’s smart.

          I think you’d like Beautiful Anonymous a lot if you like those podcasts. It’s an intimate conversation with an excellent host who is both a comedian and quasi therapist, and anonymous caller, and it’s often really funny or heart warming.

          • @glimse
            12 years ago

            I haven’t, it was my understanding that PJ was one of the problem people at Gimlet when the whole BA thing went down so I’ve stopped following him.

            Don’t take that as gospel, though! I could be wrong. I haven’t looked into it since it happened.

            • @BonesOfTheMoonOP
              22 years ago

              I feel like PJ was just burned out on the Spotify shit, when I listen to this podcast. He seems humbled. I decided to give him another shot.

              • @glimse
                22 years ago

                Full disclosure, I didn’t read the whole thing. But I found it referenced here:

                Shortly after the release of the second episode, he took to Twitter. In a long thread, he accused the Reply All team — specifically Pinnamaneni and PJ Vogt, one of the show’s co-founders — of contributing to a “near-identical toxic environment at Gimlet” as described in the Bon Appétit miniseries.

                I also always thought that PJ was needlessly mean to Alex sometimes and I love Alex lol

                • @[email protected]
                  12 years ago

                  I actually did read the whole thing. It’s interesting, I don’t really know how to feel about it. It sounds like a cluster and even though those two may have been jerks called out by that one person, it sounded like management itself rested with lieber, some other person and to some extent Alex himself?

                  It kind of raps up sort of rosey, Alex is on the bargaining committee, Vogt now supposedly supports the union and its goals. And I think everyone is still part of the company in some way? Maybe with the exception of Piannameni, they were kind of vague about her fate with the company.