So I’m a New Zealander and I have a pretty good idea on how the electoral college system works but it honestly sounds like something that can be easily corrupted and it feels like it renders the popular vote absolutely useless unless I’m totally missing something obvious?

So yeah if someone could explain to me what the benefits of such a system are, that would be awesome.

Edit - Thanks for the replies so far, already learning a lot!

  • Cyclohexane
    12 years ago

    I don’t see how it tallies votes more efficiently? Bigger cities have more people to count, and typically are divided up too.

    Mega cities not affecting rural locations is already done by having local government’s

    I know you said you still prefer popular vote, but jist wanted to voice my opinion.

    • Skoobie
      12 years ago

      Saying it’s more efficient was meant to be a little tongue in cheek. It’s not now. It was a few hundred years ago when communication was still done by horseback.

      Having local governments does mitigate the effect megacities have on rural locations, yes, but not regarding national elections. An argument I’ve heard time and time again for keeping the EC is that without it, each president would be decided by NYC and LA.