Hello Everyone!

Let’s start a first ever, “What are you playing this weekend?”.

I am still completely enthralled by The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. I am about 50-60 hours in, and still have lots of explore. I don’t want to mention anything that might be a spoiler, but I think I should be around 60% done with the story. I am on media blackout about the game, so I don’t actually know how long it actually it is, but this is what it seems like. Of course, if I go by total amount of Shrines, or Koroks, I am probably just 10-20% of the total.

All my other games are on pause, probably not going to resume anything else until I have finished Zelda.

What about all of you? What are you playing?

  • @Gompje
    21 year ago

    Yeah I know you can top up much with food. But somehow I do not like that mechanic much. It’s better with the recipients book and the automatic picking but still: it does gets old, especially the animation.

    I found the pants to! 😜 And it was enough but I just bought every gear topup I had access to. The time limit the food gives is even worse for me than the cooking itself. I do not respond well to games like that. They spike my already high anxiety and stress levels, in a bad way.

    That is why I find it kinda sad that Nintendo does not cater to both kind of people: those who thrive on this, and those like me who really cannot function with that. I mean: they have a game that allows easily for both styles! Yes I know this sounds contracting but I meant also that it could be an accessibility setting to lower the pricing of gear. if you want that. That way everyone can enjoy the game their way

    For instance I love Control. (Steam) I love the concept, the vibe, the story just everything. Well not as much as TOTK maybe but I digress, what I mean to state is that That game would be impossible for me to play, let alone enjoy, without the excellent accessibility settings. Like kill with 1 shot. It’s so easy to make hooks like that if the developers have eyes for it. Other great undies have them as well. Games that would be impossible for me, I could actually finish now and still have enough fun like “Celeste” the fact that I could finegrade the things like “no dying” but “leave puzzles complex” is so much better than “easy”

    It brings the fun back in games! I really wish more would do this. Still bit sad about “a plague tale” But anyway bit off topic 🤭

    Foraging is idd cool and sometimes I just wander around doing that. I do forget to take pictures, they should have a thing that when you took something it’s in your book. I don’t think it is now?

    It’s just a lot a lot a lot of different items. It’s insane. Like multiple frogs, lizards, fish … I think there a lot more than in BOTW isn’t it? 🤔 Maybe I should see where Links’s house would be at to store some of this. At least some weapons as well. Had to leave some really cool ones behind sometimes for upgrades.

    Well. The game is indeed very huge. I feel like I already got my moneys worth and I am just started with the first temple!


    • @slimerancherOPM
      11 year ago

      I agree with that. More games should add accessibility features, specially single player ones.

      And I haven’t tried matching the total count of compendium, so not sure about the creatures, but it does have a lot more things to collect in this game. Again, don’t want to spoil, but the different kinds of things you need to collect and quests / game mechanics related to collecting things are in much greater quantity than in BOTW.

      • @Gompje
        21 year ago

        I’m actually forgetting taking photos all the time, so I doubt my Compendium will ever be filled. The amount of all the items and critters is so overwhelming though, it feels like way to much. Yes I know it suits the world and so on. Maybe it’s the fact that the sorting seems off, and for me the sorting resets at random to …

        IDK what kind of sorting. I think it is just that that is overwhelming for me. It will be beter for me with the paper guide I think. at least I can read up a bit

        I saw a Youtube vid last that “every game is now so content heavy that you need 100h+ to get somewhere” which is fine in a way, but I do not have that much time to play. Sometimes I really miss what it used to be with the older Zelda’s you could play for 1h or maybe 2h and get through a dungeon. Giving a nice feeling of satisfaction and progress: Yes! I have that new weapon now! on to the next!

        Now with all the wearing of weapons, the foraging, the vast world… your lucky you get to your destination in that time. Which is better in this game with the nice cars you can make but still… ( I do not like horse riding ), Teleporting too. but It somehow feels like this game is meant for people with a lot of free time. and maybe those with less anxiety than I have: just the decision to ditch some weapon for another type you found gives me some anxiety. “keuzestress” we call it in Dutch which translate to “choice anxiety” and that is what is littered throughout the game.

        And yet: I still love the game lots. Even if some things really get old very fast: like the guy with the sign. ugh. lol I mean… 🙄 And yes I sometimes ignore him, just like the Koroks.

        • @slimerancherOPM
          11 year ago

          Yeah, I can understand that. That is why I pad my bigger games with couple of smaller indies. Make the games more manageable.

          Also, I have stopped worrying about finishing all the games to 100%. For some games, just completing the story is enough. TOTK is just so fun, that I want to explore and spend time in it, so doing that, but if it started to feel like a chore, I would just finish the main quest and put it away.

          BTW about the weapons breaking. I don’t mind it so much in TOTK, as any weapon can become great if you have good fusing materials. With enough good parts from Black Bokoblins, Moblins and Construct Captains, every weapons becomes formidable, and there are so many weapons just lying around in this game.

          That “keuzestress” is a nice word, I feel it so much. You are right, TOTK is filled with it, but I think BOTW was even worse.

          lol, about the guy with the sign, I never ignore him. Even though I sometimes ignore Koroks. Just feel sad thinking he would be standing there alone 😁