• @YoBuckStopsHere
    461 year ago

    By classical they mean abusing children, religious grooming, and whitewashed history.

    • Hairyblue
      151 year ago

      Yep. If you are an LGBT child, they don’t care about you. They want to put religious grooming for Christian Nationalism in the schools. And they don’t want you to know that slavery is bad. It was a free job training program.

      Stop voting for Republicans. They don’t care about our rights or education.

      • @Ensign_Crab
        111 year ago

        Yep. If you are an LGBT child, they don’t care about you.

        That’s not true at all. They care very much about making sure you’re mistreated at taxpayer expense.

      • MasterOBee Master/King
        -111 year ago

        Not caring about someones sexuality and gender identity should be the model.

        Why do teachers need to push culture and push LGBTQIA2S+ ideologies?

        • @Falmarri
          91 year ago

          Explain the ideologies you’re talking about. What, specifically, is being pushed. And how exactly does this pushing occur

            • @Falmarri
              71 year ago

              You never defined what “gender and sexual ideologies” were. What exactly do you have a problem with. I’m not going to watch an hour and a half of videos, which most likely just say it’s ok if you’re trans, and trans people exist.

            • @[email protected]
              61 year ago

              I get how those topics can make you feel a little squirrelly, but the overall message is tolerance and compassion. Is it really that terrible to instill those values in kids? When I was in elementary school there were definitely kids who were bullied for being perceived as gay even though none of us really understood what that meant aside from “that’s a boy who likes other boys”. I really wish I could go back and smack some sense into my younger self, but also smack some sense into the adults at the time for letting us act like miniature assholes.

              • MasterOBee Master/King
                -21 year ago

                is tolerance and compassion.

                Okay, when we spend much much much much more money on schooling our kids and they graduate and the teachers say ‘hey, they didn’t learn math…or science…or how to read, but we taught them to have compassion for our ideologies’ you think parents are gonna be happy?

                Is it really that terrible to instill those values in kids?

                No, but that’s always been done. Instruction on queerness and gender igeology isn’t about compassion, it’s about pushing ideas on kids when we send them to government agents, instead of actually teaching them.

                bullied for being perceived as gay

                Okay, has bullying aimed at anyone been okay in the school system? Have you had a teacher teach you that you can only bully gay people? We’ve always said don’t bully anyone, are gay people not under the ‘anyone’ umbrella?

                . I really wish I could go back and smack some sense into my younger self, but also smack some sense into the adults at the time for letting us act like miniature assholes.

                Okay, so this whole thing is about you feeling bad for bullying gay people. Don’t push gender ideologies onto our kindergartners because you were a dick in school.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 year ago

                  Okay, when we spend much much much much more money on schooling our kids and they graduate and the teachers say ‘hey, they didn’t learn math…or science…or how to read, but we taught them to have compassion for our ideologies’ you think parents are gonna be happy?

                  What the hell are you even talking about? Do you think school boards will replace math, reading and science with gender equality lessons? Seriously, what the hell are you talking about?

                  Is it really that terrible to instill those values in kids?

                  No, but that’s always been done.

                  If that were the case you obviously got a shitty education, because you don’t seem to have even a basic understanding of tolerance or compassion

                  Instruction on queerness and gender igeology isn’t about compassion, it’s about pushing ideas on kids when we send them to government agents, instead of actually teaching them.

                  Again, what the hell are you talking about? Kids are being taught normal things ALONGSIDE learning how to not be ignorant goons who say shit like “don’t push gender ideologies on kids”.

                  bullied for being perceived as gay

                  Okay, has bullying aimed at anyone been okay in the school system? Have you had a teacher teach you that you can only bully gay people? We’ve always said don’t bully anyone, are gay people not under the ‘anyone’ umbrella?

                  Oh, you’re one of those “all lives matter” folks? Yes, let’s teach kids not to bully anyone… but let’s also teach them that LGBTQ people exist and there’s nothing wrong with being friends with them. Given the recent rhetoric against marginalized communities, both from religious leaders and conservative politicians, YES I think it’s important to stress the fact that these people exist and are worthy of love is an important lesson for our kids to learn.

                  . I really wish I could go back and smack some sense into my younger self, but also smack some sense into the adults at the time for letting us act like miniature assholes.

                  Okay, so this whole thing is about you feeling bad for bullying gay people. Don’t push gender ideologies onto our kindergartners because you were a dick in school.

                  Yes, I feel bad for being an ignorant kid. Yes, I wish there had been people who could have talked to kids like me about basic concepts like tolerance, acceptance and compassion. But no, I’m not “pushing” anything on anyone. Not because of any kind of misguided guilt or for any other reason. I’m literally just hoping my kids don’t grow into people… well… people like you.

                  There’s no “agenda”. Kids aren’t being “indoctrinated” or “groomed”. Kids are just being taught that people are different and that’s not a reason to be a dick.

                  Sorry you have trouble with it. Maybe if you had had someone to teach you these basic concepts you wouldn’t find it so icky.

                  • MasterOBee Master/King
                    -11 year ago

                    What the hell are you even talking about? Do you think school boards will replace math, reading and science with gender equality lessons?

                    No. I think they’re replaced with instruction on transitioning, cross dressing, gender questioning and queer ideological pushes. If you want to teach kids to cross dress, you gotta cut into some other instruction, do you disagree?

                    If that were the case you obviously got a shitty education, because you don’t seem to have even a basic understanding of tolerance or compassion

                    Because I don’t care that people are straight, or gay or cross dress or a different race, I don’t have tolerance? Because I treat every individual, regardless of differences, the same, I don’t have compassion?

                    Yes, let’s teach kids not to bully anyone…

                    Sweet, now we can teach kids how to read because inner city kids have the reading levels of neanderthals.

                    Yes, I feel bad for being an ignorant kid.

                    So you’re forcing your think on everyone elses kids because you can’t come to grips that you were an asshole.

                    There’s no “agenda”.

                    Never said there was.

                    Kids aren’t being “indoctrinated” or “groomed”.

                    If I took your kid into a room, at threat of calling CPS on you, and taught them that they should cross dress, is that indoctrinating or grooming?

                    Sorry you have trouble with it. Maybe if you had had someone to teach you these basic concepts you wouldn’t find it so icky

                    I don’t find it ‘icky’, believe it or not, I don’t like all the same things you do. I’ve been to some drag brunches and queer bars and what not, not my thing, most of it I think is weird. But do I have a bias against it or find it ‘icky’? Nah. That’s the problem with you and all your far left friends here, if someone doesn’t agree 100% with the shit y’all do, you think we’re bigots and hate the people that do it. I don’t, it’s just not my vibe. I also don’t think catholic church is my vibe, but I’m fine with the folk.

        • @[email protected]
          71 year ago

          They don’t “push” them. They accept them for who they are.

          I know that’s difficult for you worthless bigots to understand. Good thing the entire planet is leaving you people and your regressivness in the dust.

            • @[email protected]
              31 year ago

              That is called acceptance. I know you theocratic fascists want to erase everyone different than you while whitewashing slavery, but that isn’t going to happen.

              You’re gonna have to learn how to not be a bigot if you want to be accepted into society.

              • MasterOBee Master/King
                01 year ago

                So teachers only have to say ‘hey I accept students for differences’ then they don’t talk about gender or sexuality ideologies in classes?

                Really simple question, man, can you not answer it?

                I know you theocratic fascists want to erase everyone different than you while whitewashing slavery, but that isn’t going to happen.

                HAHAHA you can’t attack my argument, so you make up a belief system for me and attack me on your made up scenario? what a joke.

                You’re gonna have to learn how to not be a bigot if you want to be accepted into society.

                Me: I don’t care what skin color you have, what gender or who you wanna bang, I’ll treat you exactly the same as everyone else


            • dtc
              1 year ago

              You own that url? Seen you post that bs like 30x, only reason I can figure is that you get a slice of that sweet sweet ad revenue…

              Anyway, everyone dislikes your stance and nobody is going to stop you from spreading your drivel. have a great evening.

              Edit: came back to say… not everyone dislikes your stance, I’m sure any impressionable children you’ve groomed into repeating your drivel don’t mind.

              • MasterOBee Master/King
                -11 year ago

                You own that url? Seen you post that bs like 30x, only reason I can figure is that you get a slice of that sweet sweet ad revenue…

                Ahhhh, yes I own the Seattle schools url.

                Anyway, everyone dislikes your stance

                Uh, yeah, any opinion on here and reddit that aren’t far left get downvoted for no other reason other than I think differently than the far left talking points.

                not everyone dislikes your stance

                Correct, about 50% of the united states are willing to say they agree with me. more like 80% actually agree, but just don’t want to be labeled a bigot everywhere they go for thinking ‘wrong’

                I’m sure any impressionable children you’ve groomed into repeating your drivel don’t mind.

                So when I tell kids about my opinions it’s grooming, bu you’re for educating kindergartners to cross dress, and that’s not grooming? Holy smokes, look in the mirro, homie.

                • dtc
                  21 year ago

                  Hey I’m just happy to have wasted some of your time while you quote and unpack my entire comment haha. Have a great evening 😀

    • Fuck Yankies
      41 year ago

      Uniforms, lineups, the comeback of the ruler…

      Here’s the thing about the ruler: it’s not used to measure anything else but the students pain threshold.