It will be open source, end to end encrypted using Signal’s double ratchet encryption protocol, and he plans to make it easy for fediverse platforms to integrate it. The beta will release later this month.

He’s also the creator of btw

  • @[email protected]
    282 years ago

    Desktop fscking client, please. Not electron based would be nice, yes? QT is good.

    ICQ-style or old Skype-style user directory would be wonderful too. VoIP is not something I’d care about, file transfers are.

    This is cool.

    • @[email protected]
      72 years ago

      Chill, you’re not the only one here.

      VoIP in a mainstream messenger is something that most people use nowadays to avoid calling people from their SIM cards which costs them much.

      Video calling too is something I personally use too especially on iMessage or Telegram.

      I’m a software engineer, I appreciate some old school things that work perfectly well like ICQ or Vim or emacs or working only with shortcuts. But you know what’s also a shortcut? Not having to use 50 different messengers just because this one doesn’t have VoIP and I can’t bring my friends or my mom here but I can bring only my nerd friends”.

      This is all business and target audience oriented. You are not the only target audience out there and especially when you don’t demand from a messenger to be able to have VoIP. Even Instagram has VoIP these days. A photo-video-media sharing app. Let alone a messenger.

      • mckean
        72 years ago

        Chill, you’re not the only one here.

        • @[email protected]
          12 years ago

          I talked about various audiences not just myself. The person I replied to talked as if the app was made for him explicitly. “VoIP is not something I’d care about, file transfers are” like this kind of talking is like bruh, the app is not made only for you.

          • mckean
            02 years ago

            yeah, the app is made for you and him. So doing the math we have a -1 “VoIP is not something I’d care about” and a +1 “Video calling too is something I personally use…” which results in 0% significance. So let’s just talk, voice our opinions, and chill.

            • @[email protected]
              2 years ago

              No, the app is made for everybody who wants to use a messenger. Not just you and him. It’s supposed to be under the standards of the feddiverse.

              The comments here are not a poll. Providing especially personal comments about a nerdy user like me and the guy I replied about “I would like it like ICQ” and such shit, would not help the creator make a good choice. Most people nowadays, especially zoomers, dont even know what ICQ is or how it works or how to even login to it. Most people, proven by ehm … the success of messenger, discord, whatsapp, telegram, viber, signal everything … want a messenger that provides what the mainstream messenger wants with most of the features that everybody provides and are mainstream used while having ease of access.

              We should try to help the creator. Not misguide him. Again, the comments are not a poll, they’re supposed to help to make a constructive conversation. And when you talk as if the app is made only about yourself, you’re not really helping.

        • TWeaK
          02 years ago

          We don’t take kindly to people who think they’re the only one here.