• @flossdaily
    1 year ago

    Imagine a world where after the Jan 6 insurrection, Pence had had the integrity to unequivocally go after Trump. What a powerful message that would have been:

    "Ladies and gentlemen, more than anyone else in this country, I wanted to win this election! My name is on the ticket! Winning would have meant 4 more years of doing wonderful, important work.

    But the reason I love the job is that I love this country. I love this country more than I love myself.

    And when President Trump asked me to break the laws of this country, to violates the Constitution, and to turn our democracy into a Kingdom with him as the king, all because we lost a fair election… Well I simply would not do it.

    And the President got angry, and he directed an angry mob to the capital. He told them lies to trick them into committing horrible crimes against the United States.

    When Trump saw that his plan was working, at that the mob was beating police officers, and calling for MY death, he did WORSE than nothing. He used his influence on social media to encourage those insurrectionists. He wanted them to kill us and to stop the transfer of power to the candidate who won the election fair and square.

    Donald Trump knew that he lost the election. He knew all his court cases the prove fraud were tossed out because there simply was so evidence to back it up.

    That’s when Donald Trump decided that his own desire for power was more important that than the sanctity of our democracy, the rule of law, and even human lives.

    He has gone mad with power, and it is only by the grace of God that his attempt to turn this nation into his personal kingdom failed.

    I have had my moral difference with Donald Trump all along. I had hoped my influence would help to temper his worst impulses, but it is clear that he is too broken inside to be helped.

    I ask my Republican colleagues to join me in doing whatever is necessary to preserve our democracy and removing Donald Trump from the levers of power after his horrific attack on our country, and the spirit of American democracy."

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I would still disagree with him on everything, but at least I could respect him. Sadly republicans not only showed they lack policy, but also that they lack integrity and courage by still aligning with mr small hands dictator.

      Its still surreal that the “family values”, “christian”, “freedom” crowd supports a person that doesnt practice any of those principles. Didn’t their holy book warn them against golden idols?

      edit: misspells