ACAB, especially that bastard relative of yours.

The capitalist state and it’s forces in the form of Police and Military primarily exist to protect the private property of the rich. All other functions are secondary.

    • Alto
      141 year ago

      The “easiest” (in terms of selling it to the public) solution would be to heavily increase training requirements. Two years should be the absolute minimum, with the heaviest focus being on de-escelation and how to actually help the community.

      Going back to requiring police to actually live in the communities they police would go a long way as well

      • @[email protected]
        71 year ago

        As a german: Yes this will reduce the symptoms, but it doesn’t remove the causes.

        Of cause more training with higher standards will help, but the esprit de corps, the insufficent character tests, and the structurals problems will persist. Especially when some of the problematic elements are teached in the training.

        • Cethin
          51 year ago

          Injury should include financially too. Let’s stop the civil asset forfeiture bullshit where your assets are guilty until proven innocent, but they never try you with a crime.

          • Alto
            31 year ago

            One of the very few things my state does right is not allow police funding to come from civil asset forfeiture and require a guilty verdict

        • Alto
          41 year ago

          My local PD has a 6 month academy. Make it 2 years minimum nationwide, and at least another yesr to move up both to sheriff’s departments and state departments.

            • Alto
              31 year ago

              I should have been more specific, that’s my bad. The academy alone needs to be 2 years minimum. The fact that the average first year pre-law student seems to know the laws surrounding policing better than most cops is an absolute joke.

    • Cethin
      31 year ago

      Any reasonable “small government” conservative should. The sad thing is there aren’t many of those left with any power now. There are mostly only big government regressives who grabbed the conservative flag and ran with it.