I’m a freshly minted pot-head in my mid 40’s! I’ve had alcohol issues most of my life. Last time I visited a legal state I decided I’d get some goodies and try them out to see if maybe I could substitute for alcohol. I’m finding it very helpful! What I like the most is that it doesn’t fuck with my sleep like alcohol does and I don’t feel like garbage in the morning. Unfortunately, I can’t smoke it properly due to the smell, but I’m really enjoying edibles and vaping. Anyway, just wanted to say hi!

  • @RandoOP
    41 year ago

    Thanks I’ll definitely have to do some more research into this. The odor is what I need to avoid to stay under the radar, but I’ll look into this before my next interstate shopping trip!

    • @PutangInaMo
      31 year ago

      Hey man check out thca and mixed ratio bud. No need to cross state lines when the post office can deliver to you legally!

    • @Smokeydope
      31 year ago

      Second the reduced smell. My parents hate the smell of pot but when I visit them and smoke dry herb vape they don’t really notice it unless smoked inside even then they say its a “different smell, not nearly as bad”. I theorize the potent smell of pot comes from 2 issues, one lighting herb on fire produces a truly burnt mell releasing tons of carbon smoke into the air, two bing that joints and bowls and bongs release a ton of smoke at once into the environment, dry herb vapes at least the good ones will have air tight heating chambers that only release smoke when you inhale into them. Much gentler smoke and doesn’t get released into the air nearly as fast.

    • @MightBeAlpharius
      21 year ago

      Hm… Flower vapes certainly reduce the odor, but they do still smell a bit. If you’re looking for absolutely minimal smell, then vape carts and edibles are probably the way to go.

      That said, I’m by no means trying to discourage you from trying dry herb vaping! It smells way less than flower, and doesn’t linger the way that smoke does. I’d recommend against getting an expensive top-of-the-line flower vape to start with, though; a cheaper entry-level one is a good way to figure out if it suits your needs (and, if it does, to figure out what features you want to prioritize in a nicer one).

      • @RandoOP
        11 year ago

        Thanks for the tip dude.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I don’t know if there are other options out there, but the smoke buddyhas worked well for me. It’s a pretty simple device, and basically just acts as a filter for your exhaled vapor. You literally just put it up to your mouth and exhale into it, and it filters 100% of the smell out. If you combine it with dry herb vaping, you shouldn’t smell much of anything aside from the not very pungent smell that comes from the weed heating up in the dry herb vape. To me, that smells mostly like something being toasted, not a strong weed smell.