I’m a freshly minted pot-head in my mid 40’s! I’ve had alcohol issues most of my life. Last time I visited a legal state I decided I’d get some goodies and try them out to see if maybe I could substitute for alcohol. I’m finding it very helpful! What I like the most is that it doesn’t fuck with my sleep like alcohol does and I don’t feel like garbage in the morning. Unfortunately, I can’t smoke it properly due to the smell, but I’m really enjoying edibles and vaping. Anyway, just wanted to say hi!

  • SmokeyDope
    32 years ago

    Second the reduced smell. My parents hate the smell of pot but when I visit them and smoke dry herb vape they don’t really notice it unless smoked inside even then they say its a “different smell, not nearly as bad”. I theorize the potent smell of pot comes from 2 issues, one lighting herb on fire produces a truly burnt mell releasing tons of carbon smoke into the air, two bing that joints and bowls and bongs release a ton of smoke at once into the environment, dry herb vapes at least the good ones will have air tight heating chambers that only release smoke when you inhale into them. Much gentler smoke and doesn’t get released into the air nearly as fast.