A report says “fuel” for EVs cost more than gasoline. Was it prepared by a bunch of orangutans sitting in front of computers? No, it was done by Anderson Economic Group.

    • @Spiral3839
      111 year ago

      Are you under the impression that people pushing for EVs aren’t also pushing for power plants to go green? I’m sorry this isn’t a video game where we can just replace literally every source of coal power in the exact same motion.

      • @[email protected]
        -91 year ago

        Whenever people talk about EVs, they always conveniently leave out the fact that the cars will still pollute the atmosphere.

        Happy motoring!

        • @spongebue
          71 year ago

          A few things:

          1. Having one large power plant runs much more efficiently than a whole bunch of tiny engines

          2. Gasoline comes from oil. Electricity comes from oil. Or coal. Or gas… But also solar. Or hydro. Or wind. Or nuclear. Isn’t it nice not to have all eggs in one basket that has a 100% chance of pollution?

          3. Nobody is seriously claiming that there isn’t pollution happening behind the scenes. But it’s an improvement when you consider the above points. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good (or at least better)

          So on that note, what’s your solution to emission-free transportation?

        • keeb420
          61 year ago

          Not always. In the pnw where I’m at we get the vast majority of ouelr electricity from hydro and other renewables. There are plenty of other places where evs wouldn’t be powered by dirty energy.

    • @Desistance
      1 year ago

      But we aren’t burning gasoline every second.

    • VitaMan
      11 year ago

      Not always the case. I was able to change my electricity source to 100% renewable through Appalachian Power. I also have solar panels to directly offset some of my home energy usage.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      It is vastly more efficient to power from electricity generated by coal than it is to burn gasoline in a car. Think of all that heat just going into the air.

    • setVeryLoud(true);
      11 year ago

      You might, we certainly don’t in most of eastern Canada.

      Coal power is a relic of the past anyway.