The sub was closed as part of the protests.

Edit: this news has developed, the new mod deleted their account and the post. I didn’t get a screenshot of the original post, but if anyone supplies one I’ll link it here.

  • @PoopingCough
    1 year ago

    the most popular version is the most buggy.

    It isn’t buggy, it’s overloaded and under attack. You missed my point.

    it’s not ready.

    Agree to disagree then I guess. being the instance with the most users doesn’t mean that’s where new people will look to sign up. In fact, if you go to it isn’t even listed in the recommended instances. You seem to kind of misunderstand the point of the fediverse; it isn’t to have everyone congregate under one server but instead spread users and content across many instances so that if one does have some downtime, you’ll barely notice.

    In fact, I think that the most popular instance having a lot of downtime recently is actually a very good thing, because it means people will create and use different instances than, naturally leading to more decentralization (the whole point of the fediverse).

      • @PoopingCough
        1 year ago

        Let me reframe for a sec. Back when Digg imploded itself in 2010, basically all of their users migrated to reddit. With the influx of new users, reddit was constantly overloaded, there were frequent outages, and other problems that eventually lead to memes about reddit’s unreliability and eventually the introduction of reddit gold. Gold was introduced literally because users of reddit liked the platform and wanted to help contribute to it being better able to handle more traffic. But from the Digg migration to the current period of high uptime took literal years. Does that mean reddit “wasn’t ready to be migrated to”? It sounds like you would say yes, because to you “ready” just means “can handle the traffic”. Whereas to me and other people at the time it meant the feature set, content, communities etc all came together to keep people on reddit despite the downtime. The same is now true for Lemmy for many of us.

        “It’s your fault for using the popular instance!”

        Think about that for a second would you?

        This is why I said it feels like you’re not understanding the fediverse. An instance being popular doesn’t make it better than other instances. You’ll get the same content from being on any number of other less popular instances. That’s the whole point of federation. So yes, it is, in fact, your fault for using the popular instance. In the time it took to reply to me one time you could have made accounts in 3 other instances and solved the problem you keep complaining about.