• Queen HawlSera
    411 year ago

    I still cannot believe a novel this terrible inspired a successful movement that was thoroughly endorsed by presidents.

    If I had a time machine I would go back in time and publish it, but make sure that it only had a limited release. Never got super big just big enough so that some people had heard of it, and then I would sue Ayn Rand when she published her version. Win easily and announce that I wrote it as a parody, mocking people who think that being overly self reliant and rejecting community is a good way to live, for they are like house cats… overly dependent on others yet thoroughly convinced of their own independence. “As Ms. Rand demonstrated by stealing my book and claiming it as her own.”

    Then I’d put a time capsule with the fucking source code to Bioshock 1, 2, and Infinite somewhere to preserve those games in the timeline.

    The damage that book has done to this world…

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Win easily and announce that I wrote it as a parody, mocking people

      Then watch it backfire horribly. Conservatives (including those who call themselves libertarian) are blind to satire. You might remember that the_donald was satirical at the start. So was the game Monopoly.

      • Queen HawlSera
        91 year ago

        Yeah but Ayn Rand’s reputation would be ruined and she would never have started “Objectivisim”

        “The question isn’t if I am allowed to do these things, but rather who is going to stop me?” - Ayn Rand, not even pretending she isn’t the villain.

        • @postmateDumbass
          21 year ago

          That question probably hit different in 1955 than it did in 2005

            • @postmateDumbass
              21 year ago

              My point is not based in comic books

              In 1955 the society told everyone don’t do shit to change anything. It was a time of restraint and repression.

              In 2005 society was in a revolutionary mode and told everyone to question and disrupt everything.

              So to tell people to challenge what was allowed in 1955 actulally was a good and vital thing to change society. In 2005 challenging what was allowed was mostly done for personal gain, exploiting the system.

    • @hark
      141 year ago

      Really elaborate plan that will probably end up failing because the book, and its author, only got big because it gave greedy bastards an excuse to be so unashamedly greedy. If not this trash then another work of trash.

      • Queen HawlSera
        1 year ago

        Ayn Rand did more than write a book, she actually started a movement and even had a fling with L. Ron Hubbard to learn how to properly cult…

        She never believed in scientology and thought L. Ron was a great man for running such a successful con.

        She also hated religion in general, for she saw it as a form of collective bargaining and hated it for encouraging people to not be selflish.

        Rand was a monster

        • Flying SquidOPM
          51 year ago

          She literally said altruism was evil. I mean what the ever-living fuck?

          • Queen HawlSera
            21 year ago

            Not only that, but satanism, and I don’t mean edgy atheists pretending to worship the devil in order to troll right leaning judges, but actual honest-to-Dog satanists, actually cite Ayn Rand is a major source of inspiration, and someone to look up to in terms of how to be a good person.

            No I know that the satanists who Worship in the way that I’m speaking, Anton LaVey and his alike do not literally worship satan. But they are still very evil people who do terrible things.

            I mean their book literally says that it is foolish for one to give up the world, only to gain their own soul. Lot of very strong, “Are we the baddies?” Energy

            • Flying SquidOPM
              01 year ago

              Yeah, LaVeyan Satanism is Ayn Rand with some woo woo window dressing.

    • @rodneylives
      51 year ago

      There has always been a market for telling people what they want to hear.

      • Queen HawlSera
        41 year ago

        If you’re talking about the Bible. Religious texts typically require historians and theologians to figure out the meaning of… lots of hard to understand passages requiring a context not easily understood in the modern age.

        It’s not like Ayn Rand which was an incomprehensible mess from its inception.

    • @postmateDumbass
      21 year ago

      It will probably tie back to mind control efforts fighting communism.