• @TheMadnessKing
    2 years ago

    The cost at which India achieves these accomplishments are a fraction of what other Space Agencies. It’s something they should be proud of.

    I went through the link and the entire fact that the article is using a small remote town to justify it with the entire India’s population is mind boggling to me. As someone from data science background, it just reeks as falsehood as no accurate source of data, sampling of such large pop and etc are mentioned.

    • @givesomefucks
      02 years ago

      It’s a problem all over India…

      Your have a “data science background” it’s odd you can’t handle a Google search if you didn’t like my choice of link.

      • @TheMadnessKing
        2 years ago

        Well, I am just pointing out the problem with the article given its coming from BBC. If you could link something with much better sources, please do.

        • @[email protected]
          2 years ago

          That person you’re dealing with got a confirmation bias syndrome. The best they can do if to provide any sources they can find to justify their skewed argument.

          Let me just provide different source to counter-prove that, to show the Indian government is taking care of their fellow citizens - government banned the export of non-basmati white rice to “ensure adequate domestic availability at reasonable prices". To keep rice at reasonable price is good enough to show that the country is taking care of its citizens and not letting them starving - countering the argument being put forward by sub-OP above. So, to totally claim that India is neglecting its citizens will be misleading.

          To tell you the truth, I don’t even like Modi, but I couldn’t care less. You have a country and its citizens to deal with, your own domestic issues- its not me to judge. But to bash a country like the Mr-know-it-all above did, that’shitty. It’s like trying to impose one solution for all the world’s problem. To put it bluntly, that’s shallow-minded.