Sanctions were applied after the social media platform delayed compliance with a federal search warrant that required Twitter to hand over Donald Trump’s Twitter data without telling the former president about the warrant for 180 days.

  • DarkGamer
    242 years ago

    Seems fair. If corporations are legally people, they ought to be able to be incarcerated like people or executed like people.

    • LemmyLefty
      142 years ago

      I fully agree with this, I’m just not sure what form this would take.

      For execution, a dissolution of all properties, patents, inventory, and all assets seized and sold, followed by barring at least the C-suite from working in the same field ever again?

      • DarkGamer
        2 years ago

        In my mind, incarceration would be a freeze on all their assets and business operations for a fixed period of time. Execution would mean full liquidation as though they were bankrupt, all their IPs become public domain, like you mention. Perhaps with such equality, owners of corporations would no longer wish them to be considered people.

        I imagine a C-suite that caused either of these outcomes wouldn’t be popular with the investment class since it would cost them meaningful amounts of money. A ban might not even be nessicary.