Hello Lemmy moderators!

The Lemmy.World administrator team is planning to release a Moderator Code of Conduct for Lemmy soon.

Even though there will be some basic principles we will follow, which can be found here, we still need your valuable input. We’d like to hear your suggestions on what to add to this Code of Conduct, as you know best about what you want and need.

This Code of Conduct would lay out the official rules, set principles and goals for Lemmy.World moderators, and for any other instance that wishes to follow it.

With Love,
The Lemmy.World Administrator (Team)

  • @Kurroth
    12 years ago

    You think a permaban will stop that person from making a new account? or probably already having an alt(s)?

    • TheSpookiestUser
      12 years ago

      Not really, no. But it’s less bookkeeping that way, instead of having to start a note system to determine how many temp bans you’ve given the guy spouting racism, and it sends a clear message to everyone else.