It seems that most of the drywall mounts that I looked for printed in a vertical orientation, which is not good for strength.

For once, I didn’t reverse engineer anything to design this. Lulz.

Update 8/10 - Added dimension sketches, Added .step file, Added a thinner support ring option that will sit more flush (but not completely)

    • @remoteloveOP
      41 year ago

      Thank you.

      Isn’t it really cool that some of the best engineering projects leverage extreme simplicity? I am not saying that I am a grand architect or anything like that, but this simple project is a perfect example of why most people want to learn 3D printing.

      After thousands of dollars were spent on 3D printers, rolls of filament and replacement parts with hundreds of hours dedicated to learn about printers and CAD, it all just boiled down to being able to design and print a silly drywall anchor on a whim.

      Ain’t this hobby glorious? :)