Humans are reproducing like rats. There are already 8 BILLION of us and soon there’ll be another 4 BILLION on top of that.

You need to be totally BATSHIT crazy to believe there’s a “fertility crisis” 😀😀😀

  • @BeMoreCareful
    11 year ago

    That’s just eco-fasc talking points. We’ve got plenty of room and are now making plenty of food for everyone.

    Distribution is the challenge we face now. Our current economic systems require scarcity to maximize profit. And drive distribution.

    This is en exceedingly excellent problem to have: How to get resources where they need to be, rather than how to get resources.

    That being said, I chose not to have kids because of a lot of reasons in the above poster’s comments.

    It’s a personal choice though not some fear of too many or not enough people.

    • Teal DragonOPM
      31 year ago

      Completely insane. There is no way to have a decent quality of life on this planet with our current population. The more we reproduce the worse it will get.

      We will survive as a species, but to live happy lives we need far more than food. So many wonderful things are now only in museums. Ivory, for example. Soon wooden furniture will be a long forgotten luxury. Camping. Sure we can wear polyester, but cotton is better. More people means less room for cotton. Lobster will be gone soon, as will tons of other awesome things that nature provided. More people means less nature, which means a crappier more plastic life. I’ll be dead before too long, but I sure as hell don’t envy today’s young people. This planet will be hell in 50 years.