I never understood the appeal of this movie. There’s no plot, no structure, and no character development. It’s just watching a dumbass stoner stumble around while more interesting things are alluded to happening offscreen but there’s never any payoff for those teased bits.
I understand the point, I normally hate stoner comedy but this is something elevated, complex, quotable. Genuinely hilarious. Maybe give it one more chance?
I never understood the appeal of this movie. There’s no plot, no structure, and no character development. It’s just watching a dumbass stoner stumble around while more interesting things are alluded to happening offscreen but there’s never any payoff for those teased bits.
I understand the point, I normally hate stoner comedy but this is something elevated, complex, quotable. Genuinely hilarious. Maybe give it one more chance?
It’s like the images are hitting your eyeballs, but never quite reaching your brain.