It’s been one week since you looked at me Baldur’s Gate was released. How are you enjoying the game? What are your general thoughts, impressions, and complaints? Has the game lived up to the hype for you?

  • The plot, the characters, the set pieces and all that: Top tier. Absolutely amazing.

    The technical aspects: The only games I know of with similar levels of bugs and issues are Bethesda’s RPGs. I can’t take 5 steps without encountering some small, but annoying issue.

    I was cautious about the game because while it was in EA I heard absolutely no good things about it, and they seem to have been legitimate critiques. The story, writing and all that is great, but the technical issues are far from ignorable. It really could use more polish.

    But I mean, I’m still playing it, same as a Bethesda RPG. And actually liking it more because it’s way better written and the characters are fun to hang out with.

    • bleuy007
      151 year ago

      This is really surprising to me. I am 30 hours in, and I don’t really think I’ve encountered a single bug. Definitely nothing game-breaking. The weirdest thing I’ve seen is the camera go inside some characters or a wall during a cutscene, and that only once or twice for a second. What sorts of problems have you had?

      • Jo Miran
        51 year ago

        I am playing BG3 on GeForce Now because I assumed that Nvidia test their setup with the game before release and share their findings with Larian. It’s easier to fix one config. I think that’s why I have not encountered a single bug yet.

      • What sorts of problems have you had?

        • Bonus Actions being consumed out of thin air
        • Lae’zel constantly bugs out forcing a reload of the game to fix it
        • Buffs sometimes are not properly applied, including plot related story buffs literally needed to progress
        • Reloading a save sometimes doesn’t revert states that happened before reloading.
        • Camera feeling like it’s getting “snagged” on things.
        • Interactions changing the moment I click to do something. Like I click Loot on a body and instead it starts a conversation with a companion
        • the Light spell doesn’t always get applied and must be recast multiple times before it actually makes the light effect.
        • sometimes the wrong cutscenes will trigger such as meeting a neutral character for the first time resulting in it going straight to combat as if you selected an option or tried to attack them mid sentence.
        • Completing a quest before you actually receive it will sometimes not actually complete the quest (leaving it marked incomplete in your journal) and not give you your reward.
    • @wclinton93
      41 year ago

      Same boat here. 50 hours in and I can’t go 30 seconds without the camera bugging out, using a skill that doesn’t match the tooltip, a quest breaking, etc. Its still really cool and I believe that Larian will get it there, especially with the pace at which they are releasing fixes, but I thought that the full release would be a bit more polished. I think 6 more months in the oven would’ve been helpful, but with how long they were in EA I understand releasing it now.

    • @dohju
      41 year ago

      Kinda true about the bugs, unfortunately though no longer reserved for Bethesda games. Played d4 a few days after launch and damn we encountered bugs left and right.

      At least no forced online so restarting and or reloading is pretty easy. I’m kinda fine with annoying but not game breaking bugs on such a solid base.