It’s my goddamn motherfucking mobile data and MY PHONE. I should be able to use it however I want. My wifi went down because the greedy, cunt-faced shitbags at Comcast stole taxpayer subsidies to enrich themselves instead of actually providing the service we’re paying for. I tried to switch to a mobile hotspot and my phone refuses to open one. Everyone responsible for this shit should be fed to alligators locked away in a fucking gulag. We have no rights and live in a corporate plutocracy.

  • @recursivesive
    242 years ago

    The day (North) American people realize: they live just to feed corporations’ greed, lobbying is just legal bribery, their government doesn’t give a flying fuck about them, most developed countries’ offering and protection is miles further away from what they have… they won’t do shit. Because the system works as it’s intended to. Maybe ask to bring American freedom to America? 🦅 🇺🇸

    • @Sarcastik
      32 years ago

      I’m an American and I support this message.

        • @jcg
          12 years ago

          Sagittarius and I wholeheartedly agree