Honestly this is absurd. These death machines shouldn’t be legal in europe. That thing doesn’t even fit in the parking space, even though the parking lot has the biggest spaces in the whole city. The Golf Polo is so small in comparison, it could even hide in front of the engine hood of the truck.

EDIT: It’s a Polo and not a Golf, I don’t know my cars, sorry for that!

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    That’s a Polo, not a Golf and show me a Golf (let alone a Polo!) towing over 5k lbs and I’ll show you an idiot with a death wish.

    Oh and again, you don’t know anything about car with your “manual vs automatic” bullshit.

    • @ShittyRedditWasBetter
      11 year ago

      A car frame is not rated for more than 1500lbs. You can’t tow anything but the smallest of trailers . Brake overheating as well as other issues can make that dangerous.