• @FireRetardant
    11 year ago

    I personally beleive that the industrialized diet causes significant health issues much earlier than 100 and that is a contributing factor to diseases including heart conditions, diabetes and obesity, all of which can shorten life spans and reduce quality of life.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      True. Those are probably some of the highest causes of deaths lately.

      While medicinal advances should help with some of them, fixing your diet would do much more much faster.

      And while the industrial design of modern processed foods is a problem, I think there the greater issue is a lack of education on healthy diets and habit formation.

      • @FireRetardant
        21 year ago

        Those two go hand in hand, many big food processors had a hand in developing food pyramids and nutritional guidelines. Processed food manufacturers also have very little rules about their advertisements and who they can advertise to, with a huge market being to kids. These companies try to hook kids on processed foods while they are young and their tastes are still developing, one of the biggest examples being the happy meal which includes a toy that is often part of a limited time set and adds incentive to get more happy meals.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          Gotta love the corporations targeting people before they’re old enough to think for themselves, thus preventing them from ever learning how to think for themselves. A part of me feels like children under 10 should be banned from fast food joints unless if the children’s menu is 100% made of proper and nutritious meals, but something like that is probably impossible to pass in the current political climate. Especially considering who our leaders are right now, and who the opposition are.

          I keep forgetting just how entrenched the corporations’ propaganda are, all the way down to food pyramids.