I’m looking to start keeping hardware for prints that need additional parts to complete them. A Pi case that I printed needed screws that I don’t have on hand and needed to go searching for some.

It got me thinking to keep a container of stuff ready that would get used often, but I don’t really know what to keep on hand. What do you have readily available?

  • Mom Nom Mom
    22 years ago

    With springs, you might be able to substitute a print-in-place option.

    Or keep the springs from retractable pens. If you end up with a project that needs one, you might have the right size…

    I have also seen some designs that use a rubberband to do something similar.

    Just a couple of ideas, that might be useful.

    • KroninJOP
      22 years ago

      Thanks for the idea! Will have to pick up an assortment of rubber bands.

      I’ve saved some springs from dead lighters, but I don’t know if they will get much use.