I do believe the biggest impact would come from regulating large companies and billionaires, but it’s not one or the other.

    • Rolivers
      22 years ago

      Pork counts as red meat as well iirc. It has more to do with how much feed the animals need to grow mature enough for slaughter.

      Cows > pigs > chickens in that sense.

      So chicken is the least environmentally damaging source of meat.

      • @[email protected]
        02 years ago

        Is it about the size of the animal? Is there a large animal that produces enough meat to offset the environmental damage per serving? Chickens seem very gross and labor intensive for one family meal (unless you count eggs) where a cow seems happy to eat grass and produce a lot of meals. I realize most cows are disturbingly fattened and I’ve started trying to buy farm meat from local butchers. I think i read that Chipotle uses better (happier?) meat than most other restaurants. Also, i just started leaving about Temple Gramdin’s work for humane animal farming.