How well do you guys sleep? My current sleep schedule is the worst it has ever been and I’m not sure how I should go about fixing it.

  • NothingAbsolute
    22 years ago

    I try to get 7.5h of sleep in practice - but in reality. Weeknights are usually 2am - 8:30am (not enough). So then on Saturday I naturally sleep 10 or 11 hours straight to catch up to the lost Z’s throughout the week. As a night-owl, but fully employed and accountable at work, it’s a difficult game to play - And I’m sure I will pay for it as I get older.

    • eight
      12 years ago

      I’m exactly the same as you, asleep around 1:30-2am and up by 8:30. Then weekends I go to sleep later (around 3 am) but sleep in until 11-noon. I’m just thankful to be fully remote for work or else I’d definitely have to change my sleep schedule (probably should anyways).