New Footage Shows Tesla On Autopilot Crashing Into Police Car After Alerting Driver 150 Times::Six officers who were injured in the crash are suing Tesla despite the fact that the driver was allegedly impaired

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Tesla model Y scored the highest possible score on IIHS crash test as well as 5 stars on Euro NCAP

    Their other models have similar results. I believe Model X is the safest SUV ever made.


    More than just resulting in a 5-star rating, the data from NHTSA’s testing shows that Model X has the lowest probability of injury of any SUV it has ever tested," Tesla said in a statement. "In fact, of all the cars NHTSA has ever tested, Model X’s overall probability of injury was second only to Model S.


    Also might want to check this

    EDIT2: Imagine downvoting the guy providing hard evidence and upvoting the fanatic making baseless claims backed by nothing

      • @[email protected]
        -11 year ago

        Or maybe you’re so blinded by the hatred towards Musk that you can’t even think straight and no evidence in the world could convince you otherwise?

        You really should’ve checked the last link.