I’m just curious about this. As someone with a chronic illness, I pretty much never hear anyone talk about things related to the sorts of difficulties and discrimination I and others might face within society. I’m not aware of companies or governments doing anything special to bring awareness on the same scale of say, pride month for instance. In fact certain aspects of accessibility were only normalized during the pandemic when healthy people needed them and now they’re being gradually rescinded now that they don’t. It’s annoying for those who’ve come to prefer those accommodations. It’s cruel for those who rely on them.

And just to be clear, I’m not suggesting this is an either or sort of thing. I’m just wondering why it’s not a that and this sort of thing. It’s possible I’m not considering the whole picture here, and I don’t mean for this to be controversial.

  • @niktemadur
    1 year ago

    Accommodating handicapped people with things like preferential parking, access ramps, etc, occurred in the 1970s and 80s everywhere in the United States, and many other countries have followed suit since then.

    Reading down this thread so far, I have yet to see anyone acknowledge the fact that there is infrastructure in place for people with disabling physical conditions. Many physical conditions are still unaddressed, but it’s cherry-picking to willfully ignore something that is in front of our eyes every time we go to a store or cinema, restaurant chain or mall, and say that nothing has been done.

    I also believe this is the same type of attitude that leads to thoroughly incomplete and flawed conclusions like “both parties are the same”.

    As a sidenote that dovetails nicely, it was Democrats who pushed for handicapped accessibility across the country, while republicans were - of course - indifferent. Yet they went along with it. Nowadays, they would probably sabotage this type of campaign, with a monumental barrage of toxic propaganda that twists, bends and perverts both reality and basic human decency.

    • @MossBearOP
      31 year ago

      I’m not aware of people saying nothing has been done, but not every health limitation reduces down to ramps and parking spots as a solution. And if people thinks that’s enough, then it’s just because they haven’t had to live with the conditions which make navigating society incredibly difficult, if not impossible.