Usually it turns out it’s just even lower effort than the memes already on Lemmy etc., and you almost definitely know what they’re gonna say. Might as well write some random transphobic talking points on a board and throw blindfolded darts.
… I assume, haven’t seen them yet.
Edit: it was stonetoss, so I’ll go ahead and award myself the prize for absolutely fuckingNAILING that.
Who is actually some exploding-heads user, since their content is direct linked to there, and exploding-heads is an alt-right hate instance under the guise of “freeze peach”.
Care to explain what’s anti-trans about this? Genuine question, I’m obviously out of the loop, and don’t want to inadvertently cross a line.
This post is pro-LGBTQ+. The above commenter was agreeing with OP, not calling OP anti-trans.
Sort the memes community by New and look for the series of heavily downvoted posts
We should have a “sort by controversial” for when you want to have some “lemmy and popcorn”.
Usually it turns out it’s just even lower effort than the memes already on Lemmy etc., and you almost definitely know what they’re gonna say. Might as well write some random transphobic talking points on a board and throw blindfolded darts.
… I assume, haven’t seen them yet.
Edit: it was stonetoss, so I’ll go ahead and award myself the prize for absolutely fucking NAILING that.
I think that is coming
They are talking about a hypothetical person posting an anti-trans meme, not saying the op’s meme is that way.
Not hypothetical. It’s @[email protected]
TL:DR; a troll and a transphobe
Who is actually some exploding-heads user, since their content is direct linked to there, and exploding-heads is an alt-right hate instance under the guise of “freeze peach”.
I also am out of the loop. Please help
(I forgot the username), was spamming anti-trans “memes”.Edit: a couple posts above the user names are listed.