For the past year, I’ve been immersed in the topic of Privacy. I switched to Linux, flashed my phone to LineageOS, changed all my software to one that respects privacy, switched my family and most* friends to Signal, started hating megacorporations and pretty much every government in the world, asked a lot of questions on tiddeR and here. Everything makes sense to me now. I’m a privacy guru🥹. How to move on? What’s the next step? 😁

P.S. if you’re just at the beginning of your journey, I don’t think you’ll find a better resource than PrivacyGuides. Highly recommend it!

  • @[email protected]
    151 year ago

    what good does maximum privacy when you don’t do anything with it?

    Soo, if I understand you correctly, the next logical step is to become a dark market drug dealer?

    • mishimaenjoyer
      101 year ago

      well, i’m not endorsing it but if your take on (online) privacy is pursuing a career in that field, i won’t talk you out if it :>