The nearest abortion clinic – in Chicago – was too far away and too expensive for her mother to provide her with the procedure

  • @Eldritch
    111 year ago

    As others have stated. In the current environment there is not much Biden can do Beyond veto bad Republican legislation. Or if he’s lucky enough replace an outgoing Supreme Court Justice or other Federal Justice.

    The actual question to be asking is why in the last 50+ years. When there was much more support for, and ability to enshrine the right to an abortion in law. Did Senator Biden and all the other Democrats and even Republicans of the time not do anything and just kick the can down the road as they have. A criticism that could be commonly launched against them for many different things we are now facing. I wouldn’t say it’s malice or anything like that. But it’s definitely incompetence and a massive lack of foresight and honesty.

    • Xhieron
      41 year ago

      Which session of Congress should they have introduced that legislation in order to actually get it passed? Pick a year. It’s not a rhetorical question.

      It’s easy to cast blame when you don’t have to actually think about the realities of passing landmark legislation. The reality is that Roe v. Wade was the law of the land, and it was reasonable for Congress not to pull that thread both practically (don’t have the votes) and politically (why aren’t the Democrats doing x instead?).

      • @Eldritch
        01 year ago

        The next two sessions following January 22nd 1973. That accurate enough for you? Support for Roe vs Wade was near it’s highest. And those involved understood why.

        It’s easy to pretend that people don’t know the difficulty of passing landmark legislation. When you don’t have actual facts to dispute what they say. But that does not excuse legislators from never even trying. Which is the point. I can understand it being hard to pass legislation especially in today’s climate. Where Republicans are pretty much just against passing anything unless it’s xenophobic bigoted Etc. But no one of any party ever tried once to pass legislation in shrining and protecting it. And we can criticize them for not even trying.

        • Xhieron
          11 year ago

          Yeah! How dare Senator Biden not get sweeping legislation passed during his freshman term 50 years ago!

          There’s plenty to lay at Joe Biden’s feet if you want to criticize him–or his party–but grievances against the party barely holding back the tide of fascism because they didn’t stick their necks out on questionable legislation half a century ago strikes me as a little ridiculous. Has it not occurred to anyone throwing these tantrums that this SCOTUS would have swept away legislation just as easily as it swept away Roe?

          • @Eldritch
            11 year ago

            Who the fuck cares about Joe Biden specifically? There were a lot more Democrats who weren’t him than those who were him and none of them ever even tried. Ever.

            Say what you want about elected republicans. They are some of the worst human beings on earth. Truly horrible people. Hearts filled with selfishness and hate. But all that said. You still have to respect them. They fight to hurt the average person with a focus and a tenacity that cannot be extinguished. And it works. Democrats spent 50 years not even trying to enshrine or protect Roe. Republicans built an Empire on killing it. Democrats spent 50 years poo pooing and telling us that these crazy people would make rational decisions and never overturn roe. Only in the end to surprise Pikachu face when the crazies did the crazy thing that they’ve been screeching about for 50 years. Democrats caught with their pants down having done not a damned thing to protect it.

            It’s a valid criticism of democrats. And part of why people don’t vote for them. I’m not speaking for myself personally I vote against Republicans whenever I’m given the chance. And generally that means voting for Democrats in a red State like I am. I voted for Biden in 2020 and I will be voting for him again in 2024. people just want to feel like they are important, like they matter. People just want their representatives to fight with a fraction of the tenacity of the people trying to hurt them. It’s not too much to ask.