Now that a lot of the commotion has subsided I’m just curious to know how y’all are finding the Lemmy experience in general and whether you use it regularly like you did reddit?

  • @cybersandwich
    711 months ago

    I dunno, there always seems to be a dog pile of people ready to be outraged. The LTT stuff, especially the un-verified, tweets from the disgruntled ex employee.

    People are ready to string up Linus and torch his community even though the response video today is all you could ask for. Then she piles on and somehow her word is not inpugnable.

    Any voice of reason is down voted and dumb hot takes and up feels worse than reddit tbh.

    • @Anonymousllama
      211 months ago

      Yeah been noticing it can be pretty hit or miss, the vibe is pretty chill here but people still come out of the woodwork to dog-pile on people. The unverified allegations with LLT / Madison are a perfect example of that

        • @Anonymousllama
          11 months ago

          Yep a complete exaggeration. You’d think he was out there in 2023 throwing out hard N Words, but he was talking about what he’d said historically (like how it was absolutely common place in the 2000s)

          Did people forget the Xbox / online multiplayer days or something?