A joint U.S.-Mexico topographical survey found that 787 feet of the 995-feet-long buoy line set up by Texas are in Mexico.

  • Tb0n3
    2 years ago

    So your solution to people breaking the law is to create more laws that they won’t obey? The United States is fairly unique with their bill of rights. Codifying the right to bear arms, which in the view of the founders would allow the citizens to rise up against the government. This is well documented in their own writings. We currently have far too many restrictions on what citizens are allowed to own.

    Oh sorry, my bad. It actually sounds like you want to legalize crime.

    • Shalakushka
      22 years ago

      By this incredibly dumb logic, nothing should be illegal because criminals don’t follow laws. How asinine can you get?

      • Tb0n3
        -12 years ago

        More like making free speech illegal because somebody threatened somebody else.