• @[email protected]
      182 years ago

      Yeah I think they have dug themselves in deep shit and this will not go away until they make everything public and take action. And Linus as well as Terren Tong know this.

    • circuscritic
      62 years ago

      It means they’re hiring someone. What will matter is which type of firm they hire:

      1. Firm with a proven track record of being unbiased in their processes and conclusions.

      2. Firm with a track record of finding no fault, only low level scapegoats

      3. Unknown firm, likely the same result as option 2.

    • @kftX
      32 years ago

      My point is that when you are the one ordering an investigation on yourself, usualyl the results are bound to be highly skewed towards what you want.

      I’ve seen my government recently do this in a pretty big corruption case that would have made heads roll, as well as a couple other private entities I can think of who have hired “outside investigators” to investigate themselves only to go like what I said.

      I’m obviously open to being proven wrong in this case, but the track record of such things isn’t very positive.

      Sorry I wasn’t very clear, I just didn’t want to make my comment too big.

      • @newDayRocks
        302 years ago

        Aside from ordering a third party investigator, how else can a company prove to itself and everyone that they are serious about corrective action?

        You’re essentially saying they are guilty of everything and no matter the findings which haven’t even begun, there is a conspiracy. I don’t see how that cynicism is productive.

        • @kftX
          2 years ago

          My point is they shouldn’t be the ones doing the auditing (or at least ordering it), it should be an outside source doing it (in this case, I guess a government entity? Or something independent from LMG anyhow).

          I’ll gladly admit to being a cynic, but that’s because I’ve worked in similar work environments, quit for very similar reasons and saw nothing being done too. So it’s a sore spot for me too. I can easily see my own bias in this situation.

          In any case, we’ll have to wait and see how it pans out. Hopefully for the best is what matters in the end.

          • @newDayRocks
            2 years ago

            A third party isn’t them though. I get what you are saying because LMG writes the check, but realistically that’s the best anyone can do. Why would the government get involved? Specifically why would taxpayers pay to help rehabilitate a private company’s reputation?

            Private independent auditors are in every industry and a standard practice.

            Oh, and as long as we’re being cynical, let’s say you got your wish and a government entity does the investigation. Odds are they would just contract it out to these same people. Same results, only everyone gets to charge more for their services.

      • @[email protected]
        72 years ago

        Issue is they’re trying to investigate something from more than two years ago. They’re unlikely to find anything at all in the first place.

        • @kftX
          52 years ago

          That’s also very true, absolutely not gonna disagree there.

          In any case, all we can do is speculate, we will see the end result when it eventually comes out. As long as this brings positive change to LMG as a whole, that’ll be good.

          I know it won’t matter overall, but I won’t see the change since I’ve unsubbed to everything LMG related myself (a long time coming, honestly) but I really do wish them all the best.

    • @FarmTaco
      2 years ago

      Third-party investigator is just a long handed way of saying, I’m still paying this person. Unless someone is being forced to be investigated by an outside source, get ready for some bullshit.

      • @[email protected]
        02 years ago

        You pay the investigator whether they find fault against you or not. It’s not like they’re incentivized to find no wrongdoing at all just because they’re being paid. That would actively work against their credibility and long-term survival as a business

        • @FarmTaco
          02 years ago

          Yea man lemme live in the world you live in