Who else is staying ethanol -free with me this day Post-Hump? 💜

  • @Newstart
    61 year ago

    This is day one for me. Every night I was drinking over 350ml of vodka/whiskey even though I know it’s not good for my health. So on Sunday I decided that would be my last glass. Monday I tapered with 6 beers then 4 beers on Tuesday, and 0 alcohol on Wednesday. I woke up so proud even if it’s barely one day. But my motivation is to the roof for now. Wish me luck as I know some hard days are waiting ahead.

    • SpaceBar
      31 year ago

      When I quit, I talked to my doctor and was honest with him. That was scary, but I did it. Doctors don’t judge you, they want to help you.

      I got on an antidepressant, a drug called naltrexone, and was prescribed vitamins that my drinking was keeping my body from absorbing.

      I then changed my routine. I drove home from work a different way and to different stores so I would not pass my usual drinking places and liquor stores.

      Great job on deciding to cut the poison out of your life.

      • @Newstart
        21 year ago

        Thank you for sharing your experience. I can’t wait to talk about alcohol as my past my life like you.

    • ZerlynaOPM
      31 year ago

      The first few days are the roughest. We are here for you!!

      • @Newstart
        01 year ago

        Thank you for the support

      • @Newstart
        01 year ago

        Thank you stranger, your message comes at the right time. Because during the day I really don’t care for alcohol nor have any urges for it. My demons comes after I finish house chores and put my kids to sleep. Thank you for the motivation.

        • @blenderwig
          21 year ago

          I’m the same way, it’s the evening cool down that is my biggest trigger. I now know that drinking at night actually makes me sleep worse and feel worse, it’s not the stress reliever I always thought it was. It’s also not a reward for a day well done anymore. Getting out of that mindset does take a little bit. I believe in you, you can do this!