• @Hazdaz
    -172 years ago

    Grow the fuck up.

    Millennials are between 25 and 40 years old now and you guys are still blaming “the system”?!

    You guys ARE the system, at this point in time.

    For fucks sakes, you should be well past the age of being in college and should have many years (nearing a couple of decades at this point in time for the older millennials) into the work force. You are also the single largest voting bloc, but you don’t exercise that power so even though Boomers are now a smaller group, they out-vote you by a wide margin making them more important. You still haven’t connected the dots that those who vote the most get the most attention from politicians?? There’s a reason why the rec center has a broken AC, but the senior bus has those expensive, cushy seats.

    If you are still blaming anyone for your failures in life, you should be blaming yourselves. If the world isn’t the way you want, then get off your asses and be the change that you want to see. You are the largest generation, but you still act like a tiny minority group. Obama was in his mid 30s when he was elected to the Senate, and in his mid-to-late 40s when he was elected President. Yet as of 2 years ago, Millennials only represented about 6% of Congress. Are you expecting those seats to just be handed to you? Because that’s not how it works. That’s not how any of this works.

    You guys are still acting like you’re some powerless 16 years old and still need to beg your mom to borrow the car on Friday night. Hell, even older Zoomers are in their mid 20s at this point in time and have little excuse for their woes.

    • @Stinkywinks
      72 years ago

      You sound more nieve than a preschooler. Another boomer aka elder todler trying to pretend their greed didn’t destroy this country and the planet. Why don’t you learn to read before you die instead of hoarding everything? Your dumbass generation made this country far too corrupt for voting to do shit at this point. The worse part is how fucking dumb most of you are.

    • @Yewb
      42 years ago

      The median age of voting House lawmakers is 57.9 years, down from 58.9 in the 117th Congress (2021-22), 58.0 in the 116th (2019-20) and 58.4 in the 115th (2017-18). The new Senate’s median age, on the other hand, is 65.3 years, up from 64.8 in the 117th Congress, 63.6 in the 116th and 62.4 in the 115th.