Editing to add alt text here, as Lemmy still does not support alt text in image posts: A fake screenshot of the FreeBSD Foundation donation page showing Apple, Inc. under the $5-$24 donation category. The screenshot is next to a poorly drawn four-panel comic.

Panel One: Title: “Apple HQ.” Two people sit at a large wooden table. Person one: “We used BSD code, now it’s time to contribute back.” Person two: "Hold on, it’s BSD licensed, right? I have an idea.

Panel Two: Title: “FreeBSD donation pipeline” A zoomed in view of a map with a large green line connecting the USA to Europe.

Panel Three: Three people, surrounded in a cloud of filth, scramble beneath the end of a large green pipe, reaching towards it with their wiggly stick-figure arms. One person is leaping in from out of frame. The people have bags under their eyes, many missing teeth, and are wearing sack-like clothing crudely mended with patches of random fabrics.

Panel Four: The pale face of one of the three people beneath the end of the large green pipe, mouth open revealing their jagged yellow teeth as they attempt to catch a trickle of liquid seeping from the end of the pipe. The liquid is captioned: “$24.”

  • @joneskind
    -172 years ago

    Imagine contributing by making macOS /iOS/tvOS/watchOS/visionOS kernel Open Source and still have a bunch of losers raging on.

    Imagine having invented so many GUI tools that every fucking Linux distribution is copying and still raging on that one day Apple integrated Spaces without specifying they took it from Linux.

    Imagine raging on “Apple sherlocking bad” while every fucking Open Source application is a pale copy of a proprietary one.

    Imagine raging on Apple from a Google phone or a Dell laptop running Windows on dual boot because “gaming”

    So many things to imagine when you think about it

    • @MetaCubed
      182 years ago

      Imagine having a raging hard-on for another corporation that doesn’t give two fucks about you

    • @prettydarknwild
      112 years ago

      man it’s just a megacorporation chill out, they don’t need to be defended by you or anyone they already pay law firms to do it