• @[email protected]
    1142 years ago

    Speaking from a German perspective I feel like the Fridays for future movement has significantly affected (parts of) her generation. I have many colleagues whose kids are focusing on a diet with less environmental impact and also asking their parents to change.

    It is impressive that it has been such a long running and wide spreading movement and I am sure that there will be many politicians, activists and entrepreneurs coming out of this movement in the future.

    It is hard to expect anything more from a child who has been belittled constantly. I wish I would be standing up for my believes as strongly as she does.

    • @[email protected]
      92 years ago

      Thunberg’s style is her best asset. She keeps making a simple point, without trying to complexify it. When people try to complexify it, she brings them back to the simple point:

      • this is a major problem
      • it will lead to death and destruction if not addressed
      • we have a tendency to ignore it that needs to be counteracted

      She uses the simplest possible language and stays on point. Which for some odd reason nobody else seems to be capable of.

      Some will say she’s just a “cheerleader” but that’s kind of what we need if we’re going to address this. Political will is the constraining factor in our climate change response.

    • @[email protected]
      -382 years ago

      If your parents were multimillionaires and hired publicists and boat crews and built a brand around those beliefs, I’m sure you would have too.

      • @Jumi
        102 years ago

        Yeah, I would have but I’m not rich or have the time so I couldn’t. Good thing she’s doing it.

        • @[email protected]
          -92 years ago

          Meanwhile I’m not rich, but I haven’t commuted by car in almost 15 years. I also haven’t flown a sailing crew to New York to sail a boat built by a Rothschild back across the Atlantic ocean after I finished my instagram post. So I’d say I’ve done less damage to the environment then she has.

            • @[email protected]
              -52 years ago

              Agreed. Collective action is the only solution but becoming a figurehead so that you can fly around the world going to climate conferences and taking selfies is unhelpful.

          • @Jumi
            42 years ago

            But tell me what movement did you help to gain traction? Or who listens to what you have to say?

            • @[email protected]
              -82 years ago

              Ah good point. I should have been born to millionaire parents who hired a publicist for me that would tell everyone I was going to take a gap year when I was 16 and fly around the world going to climate conferences. You win this one, congrats.

              • @Jumi
                32 years ago

                So everything someone says because they’re wealthier than you is invalid or what? Just stfu.

          • JGrffn
            42 years ago

            Hey, wonderful! This guy over here has done less gamage to the environment than a child climate activist with money! He has single handedly averted the climate apocalypse in doing so!

            See, it isn’t a fucking competition about who’s fucking the world less, it’s about all of us not fucking the world up to extinction. We don’t get there by being good little green boys while nothing is done about the affluent, the powerful, and the conglomerates. And guess what, nobody is doing anything about them, and I’m not about to get angry at a child for desperately calling that out even if she can’t do anything else about it.

            • @[email protected]
              -52 years ago

              The affluent, powerful and conglomerates all support her, yet there has been negative action on climate change, I wonder why that is?

          • @[email protected]
            32 years ago

            IMO her argument is that we need to rework the system, providing more people with better access to public transport so everyone can reduce their damage without needing to sacrifice their day to day function, so it’s really irrelevant whether our damage is more or less in comparison to hers.

      • @[email protected]
        52 years ago

        I think if my parents were multimillionaires I would be even more busy enjoying my life than fighting a fight with uneven odds.

        Of course coming from a stable background makes it easier to be an activist, but it is still far from easy to devote your life to one cause.