Title. Genuine question. Intended for people owning cars. That’s all.

Edit: Thank you to everyone pointing out that my comments are rude and that I was being an asshole. I lost sight of the intention of this post. I will stop replying in the same manner.

Edit 2: imma downvote those comments I guess cuz there’s no karma fuck reddit

  • Cris
    2 years ago

    There are lots of reasons why the necessity of owning cars (particularly in the US) is unfortunate- bad for poor people, bad for quality of life, and bad for the environment.

    that being said, asking questions is bad faith (ie asking just so you can tell them you think cars suck, and that living in the US sucks) is shitty behavior. Either go take your bullshit somewhere else, or actually try to foster reasonable discussion between folks of differing perspectives. You have the power to bring people together, foster community, and inform the perspectives of others. Don’t waste that power on condescending to others for dumb shit like whether they live in a country where cars are vital to most folk’s lives just so you can feel good about yourself as though you’ve accomplished anything other than mired an important topic of discussion in more toxicity than it already was.

    The world has enough people being antagonist shitheads, there’s no reason you have to be one of them

    I conveyed my point in a way that was probably a lot more harsh than appropriate, and I’d like to recognize that OP acknowledged and apologized having engaged in a way that wasn’t entirely in good faith without meaning to

    • anonymousOP
      12 years ago

      I’ve said this before, I am sorry for that. Thanks for pointing it out.

      • Cris
        22 years ago

        Hey, props to you for being able to hear what I and others were saying and reflect, thats genuinely an incredibly difficult thing to do when critical comments on the internet almost always read as an attack. The emotional intelligence to reflect on your behavior when criticized by multiple faceless internet accounts is genuinely worth being very proud of ❤️

        For my part, definitely could have conveyed my feelings less harshly, which is perhaps especially important when the person you’re speaking to will be hearing many many voices all at once and you’re just one of them. I let my frustration dictate how I conveyed my perspective and I’d like to apologize for that

        Thank you for being willing to engage with me as a human despite my critical comment- this is what makes community, what builds common ground and respect among folks of differing perspectives. You’ve contributed very admirably to it by hearing folks’ critisisms and reflecting on how you might want to engage differently

        I hope you have a great day :)