Using JuiceSSH on my phone, I’m able to connect to my device without any problems when I’m on my home Wi-Fi. However, when off WiFi and connected to my VPN, the server doesn’t connect. I’m still able to access the services it’s running, but can’t SSH into the server itself.

Edit: I thought I answered everyone’s questions but I’m not seeing the answers so I’m posting the info here.

I get the below message and nothing happens. Then about 60 seconds later Juice gives a timeout error.

ssh_socket_connect: Nonblocking connection socket: 98 ssh_connect: Socket connecting , now waiting for the callbacks to work

I’m using the built in VPN service in my router. It uses the OpenVPN protocol.

Edit 2: Using the same VPN config file, I’m able to access the server using Putty on my laptop. So I’m wondering if it is a Juice specific issue.

  • Notorious
    22 years ago

    It’s been a while since I’ve used OpenVPN, but if I remember correctly when I had this issue I had to change “dev tun” to “dev tap”. Ultimately the problem was that OpenVPN was assigning an ip on an unrouted subnet. I could access the internet, but not local devices.

    Personally I switched to Wireguard. It’s just so much easier to configure and add/manage devices. OpenVPN is way more powerful and configurable than I need.

    • Bdking158OP
      22 years ago

      I’m not especially attached to OpenVPN, it’s just always worked for me to this point and is built into the router firmware. So I haven’t needed to change