Title. Genuine question. Intended for people owning cars. That’s all.

Edit: Thank you to everyone pointing out that my comments are rude and that I was being an asshole. I lost sight of the intention of this post. I will stop replying in the same manner.

Edit 2: imma downvote those comments I guess cuz there’s no karma fuck reddit

  • mycodesucks
    82 years ago

    The benefits to a car are self-evident. Ability to go anywhere you like on the schedule you like without need for excessive advance planning.

    I’m absolutely a “fuckcars” advocate, but pretending there’s NO benefits to owning one is insane. The problem isn’t the cars themselves - it’s that the REQUIREMENT of cars for basic life is AWFUL and as much as possible a car should be a special occasion, recreational use vehicle that you might use say, a few times a year for road trips, or maybe on weekends for personal exploration. The commute culture is how we get ridiculous traffic, excessive road construction, and most of the other unpleasant aspects of cars we hate in society.

    But if say, 90% of the current drivers didn’t have to do ANY daily driving and could walk or take public transportation instead, only using a car, say, once a week or less exclusively at their leisure rather than as a requirement? Car ownership would be MUCH more pleasant.

    To put it more simply, a world where you MUST use a car all the time to go everywhere is incredibly inconvenient.

    But by the same token, a world where you CAN’T use a car EVER to go ANYWHERE is ALSO incredibly inconvenient (Yes, I know plenty of people who will disagree with this, but usually even a cursory asking of places they’ve gone and things they’ve seen will reveal they’re either cheating on the purity of their vision and getting rides somewhere, or there’s a bunch of places they’d LIKE to go that they’ve just given up on, or desperately hope will SOMEDAY become viable destinations).

    The best answer lies somewhere in-between - a car as an occasionally used recreational vehicle that complements a basic foundational lifestyle of walking, bikes, and a mix of public transportation.

    • anonymousOP
      12 years ago

      Thanks, I needed the reminder