Sending this from work where I was looking at a coworker while talking and walked full-speed into the edge of a table

My leg hurt and it’s got a hella bruise going now

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    I was showing off for a girl I was seeing, using my pullup bar. I live in a small cabin so it’s over the only doorframe that had clearance for the handles- the one between my kitchen and bathroom. I pull myself up and it strikes me as a good idea to put my feet up on the bar to attempt to hang by the legs.

    Naturally, my feet go backwards over my head, feeling like I’m about to rip my rotator cuffs, I just drop. Straight onto a tile floor. Knock the wind out of myself and shockingly I don’t hit my head. Hurt my back, shoulders, and pride quite a bit.