Title. Genuine question. Intended for people owning cars. That’s all.

Edit: Thank you to everyone pointing out that my comments are rude and that I was being an asshole. I lost sight of the intention of this post. I will stop replying in the same manner.

Edit 2: imma downvote those comments I guess cuz there’s no karma fuck reddit

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    1 year ago

    Go farther places, faster and in comfort.

    Literally a requirement in most of the western United States, especially California. Everything is spread out too much. If you live in a small town without access to certain things, you need a car to go to a town that does because you may not even be able to use delivery services or taxis, or have a bus stop. And you’re not realistically gonna walk 30 miles there and another 30 back home.

    • anonymousOP
      -21 year ago

      Car dependent cities suck. I’d take an ebike or something.