Since the 1970s, many colleges and universities have become predatory financial giants, while mountains of student debt pile up and academic work becomes ever more precarious. An ascendant academic labor movement may be key to reversing these trends.
Teenagers should not be allowed to take on that much debt. That’s literally the root cause of all college problems! Of course the tuitions will rise if everyone is apparently able to pay basically limitless amounts.
One Super simple way to fix this is to allow people to default on their student debts. That adds risk for the banks, with forces them to give appropriate amounts of money, which forces unis to lower tuitions to appropriate amounts.
The government owns a large amount of that debt and could forgive it at any time. Call it an investment for the future.
It’s not about forgiving it, it about not giving out that much in the first place so unis have to demand realistic tuitions.
Otherwise you’re just giving tax money to unis, without any regulation.