Howdy y’all, much like the title says, I’m looking to build a Hypercube. I have what was once upon a time an Ender 3 V1 that I’ve rebuilt with an Ender Extender kit. I’m not happy with the aggressive ghosting I get from the 400x400 bed so I wanted to cannibalize the electronics and build the frame from scratch. I was also planning on keeping the bed since it’s got a stick on heater and thermistor that’ll work well with the new setup. Hotend too, probably, since it’s an all metal Micro Swiss.

Any gotchas to look out for? I know belt tension is a biggie once I get it together, but any gotchas to look out for in the build process?

I’m not too nervous about throwing together a custom firmware for this, it’s not my first custom firmware and I’m a software guy by trade so it’s pretty straightforward for me.

  • @franzfurdinandOP
    41 year ago

    Uh… Whoops, sorry, forgot which timeline I landed in. It gets a little tricky when you start hopping between 'em, y’know?

      • @n00b001
        21 year ago

        I don’t think you should say that anymore

        Not after the Type III Dyson swarm around Sagittarius A* lost coherence, and the night sky became dark