Suppose you win 100 million. What do you actually do with it? Banks only guarantee 250,000. Do you have to invest it? Is there anywhere you can just let it sit and draw interest?

  • @[email protected]
    131 year ago

    Speaking generally: investments.

    Diversifying stocks and bonds mainly, and each asset should be diversified from the others of the same type (eg; tech stocks counter balanced with things like agriculture or energy or something that’s also stocks but not in tech - Rinse and repeat for bonds, etc). Mainly long standing assets should be prioritized, stuff that has historically paid well in dividends and will hopefully continue to pay well.

    The majority of your assets should be stored in this manner… This will help the long term value of your money. Above and beyond that, the assets will counter balance eachother if they’re properly diversified, as one sector under-performs, another should be performing better and make up the difference, so payouts should be fairly steady.

    At the end of the day, those investments will make up your passive income, which any sufficiently rich person has in spades. I wouldn’t pretend to put numbers on any of this, whether to say what percentage of winnings should go to what or in what volume, and certainly nothing fixed, if you’re not sure how to get any of this finance stuff handled yourself, there are plenty of investment firms and personal wealth management companies that will gladly take your money so you can make more (so you can continue to pay for their services), and who will be more than happy to get you started.

    Moving away from stocks, bonds, and passive income, you’ll want to focus on fixed assets. Having your money invested into things. What those things are is up to you, but I would advise to focus on getting a good property instead of other assets, since real estate tends to be one of the few things that continually increases in price over time with few exceptions. Compared to other investments (eg, stocks and bonds) unless the property is a specific “income property” aka, something you’re renting/leasing out, it’s not the best investment for growth, but having a home that you own and being able to live more or less rent free, helps you hold onto your money, rather than blow it on a place to live. A house will be a rather large one time investment that will at least hold its value, and you’ll get a place to live out of it. Cars tend to lose all value in a matter of years to decades, and there’s a high likelihood that they could be destroyed through use. So cars are generally expenses, not investments with few exceptions. So buy vehicles with the understanding that you may not get your money back at the end of the life of the vehicle; IMO, that applies for almost any vehicle including planes, boats/yachts, etc. So spend wisely in regards to transportation.

    For everything else, out of your passive income create a salary for yourself, and set aside some “in case of shit” money from your year over year dividends. Reinvest/grow your funds with whatever you’re not paying yourself in salary. The amount is up to you, but I’d say if you can afford to live on less than half of the payout, and reinvent the other half or more, do it. The in case of shit funds would be for incidentals like your car getting totaled, or needing to replace the water heater/HVAC on the house, or something unexpected you just need instant cash for.

    Up front, you should be paying off debts and living within the salary you set for yourself… Doing everything in your power to keep your investments intact and growing for your own future. It’s fine to go on vacations or cruises or whatever you want, as long as you stay within your self defined salary, and you’re not just blowing through the capital of your investments. Long term, you’re going to be able to live very comfortably without needing to worry about money which, honestly, is the only outcome that should be worth anything… That safety and security is extremely valuable. Do not throw it away on a few years of indulgence.