For the past few years Spotify’s Discover Weekly has been the main way I discover new (to me) music. Secondarily I guess just from browsing the related artists of the ones I already listen to. Looking for other strategies inside or outside of spotify.

  • @ThunderTenTronckh
    21 year ago

    In addition to some of the music sources listed here, my personal hack is to create monthly playlists where I drop literally everything (new and old) that I like. After the month is over, I check the spotify playlist suggestions to discover even more stuff related to what I’m already enjoying.

    At the end of each year I just compile all monthly playlists into one, which is a fun time capsule for music I discover. Been doing this since 2015.

    • @maniajackOP
      21 year ago

      I do similar, it definitely makes spotify better for discovery. I read an article a while back on their algorithm and how it utilizes playlist-ed songs. I wish I was as organized as you, I pretty much go in one playlist until it gets too annoying long then “archive” it into a 1 or 2 year chunk.