This is an older article, but felt it was important enough to share.

  • Jordan Lund
    31 year ago

    Subject to bias? Yes. Propaganda?

    Propaganda is biased + an agenda.

    If someone writes a 20 page screed on why X is bad and Y is superior, that may be an inflection of bias, it’s not propaganda unless there’s a larger agenda at play.

    It would be like saying all violence is terrorism. No, not quite. Terrorism is violence + an agenda.

    • @TokenBoomerOP
      1 year ago

      Capitalism perpetuates itself through propaganda. Corporations own media companies for profit to serve capitalism. Media personalities and writers display bias unconsciously for their corporations under capitalism. Therefore, all media is propaganda. They don’t even know they are doing it.

      In media throughout capitalist countries, such as the United States, “socialist views are excluded from American public discourse” and capitalism is portrayed as an economic system that is simply “equated by definition with political democracy, freedom, and patriotism,” writes media studies scholar Donald Lazare.[14] Capitalist propaganda is “reinforced by the mantra that there is no alternative, [which] ensures that any questions concerning (alternative) economic realities are considered as secondary, incidental, indulgent, and ultimately redundant.”[15] As scholar Jason Lee describes, “the propaganda of capitalism has worked so well that most people, of the left and the right, find it inconceivable that any other system should exist, and this is the aim of the ideology.”